Wednesday, September 21, 2011

drawings for disasters

I did some drawings base on the inspiration i get from the natural disasters.

I did drawings on disasters is because I want to show that people are suffered because of disasters. The disasters have taken away people’s home, family and friends. Many of their precious memory are also been buried under the debris. In just a few minutes, years of people’s work are gone, leaving behind sorrow and sadness.

Firstly, i did the drawings on the collapsed building resulted by earthquakes.

As I did the sketches for the debris after the earthquake, I need to take note of the different tone of the debris. Previously I only did pencil sketches on a single object, thus I only have to take note the tone changes of that single object. However, as this is a drawing with many objects on it, I must note down the different changes in tone between all the subjects in the drawings. Also, I must also take note of the different textures of the debris, such as some are wood while some are cement. Thus, while drawings I must add different textures to the objects so as to distinguish the different materials. By doing so, I can add different lines and dots to the objects to suggest whether the objects are smooth or rough.

Then, i did drawings on volcano eruptions.

For the drawings on volcano eruption, I used charcoal as the medium. As I rarely use charcoal in my normal drawings, it’s hard for me to control the strength of shading. Apart from must take note of different tone in the drawing as I mention earlier, this time I must pay extra attention to the gas emitted from the volcano eruption. As the gases have a totally different form, texture and shape from the normal objects that we can touch and feel, it’s very hard for me to use charcoal to depict the characteristics of gas. In order to do so, i use very soft line to draw the gases by smoothed the charcoal line. This helps to create a softer tone of the gas and thus makes it have the shapeless form.

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