Wednesday, September 21, 2011

inspiration from surreal and dark art

I have gotten inspiration from two different but very interesting mediums of art which are called as Surreal and Dark Art. These types of art are quite different from other conventional mediums of art. In these medium, artist conveys his thought and imagination in a very mysterious but somewhat fantastic or a bizarre style. As these arts are more like a fantasy, many abstract themes could be express in many possible ways. Also, in the Surreal and Dark art, I found out that there is a contrast between light v.s. dark, coloured v.s. black and white.

I would like to use this type of art style in my coursework. I would also like to adopt this surreal style to depicts my work as I think by adding in the surreal elements, it would make my artwork more impactful and different from normal photos. I would also like to explore the contrast of light v.s. dark, coloured v.s. black and white as I think it can make the artwork more impactful. Also I can make the coloured objects to have a symbolize meaning which can help to convey my message to the audience more easily.

Here are some of the Surreal and Dark Art I get my inspiration from:



Lost fairy

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